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Current version: 2.1.1
Written for Grasshopper for Rhino 7 SR30 for Windows.

Rhino Package Manager

By running the PackageManager command in Rhino, the Package Manager will pop up. Here you can browse for Inkbeagle-Data and install it. After the plugin has been installed, you will need to restart Rhino to load the plugin. More information about the Package Manager can be found here.

Internet connection is required.

Package Manager failure

When the Package Manager experiences difficulties to connect with, make sure you have the latest version of Rhino 7 installed:

You can immediately search for Inkbeagle Data by running the following command in Rhino:

-PackageManager _Search Inkbeagle-Data


The Inkbeagle plugin (2.1.1) can be downloaded from Food4Rhino.